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Manage sales performance into actionabe insights

Jual.Praktis is our order management platform which helps business owners keep track all of their sales activity and performance on all channels.

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Jual.Praktis Featured

Monthly Report

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Integrated Sales Channel

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Realtime Data Analytics Based on Sales

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Realtime Data Analytics Base on Inventory Turn Over

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List of
our Partner

Benefit with

Minimize costly misjudgement

With our in-depth data gathering, identify strategies that work and don't work for you. Both lowering cost and maximazing profit at the same time.

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Enter new or existing market with confidence.

Accurately capture and fulfill new market demands based on our data for various channels

Keeping you updated, anywhere, anytime.

Monitor all sales activity from every major sales channel using our integrated and real-time dashboard.

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Practically, grow your business together.

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